Kosmopoisk search group consists of 250 permanent members and approximately 2240 volunteers from a number of Russian regions who either participate in the expeditions on their own or assist the group in a number of ways. Also, the group's database enlists up to five thousand researchers and explorers all around the Russia. Since 1982, the group had carried out 290 expeditions in the different regions of former USSR and Russia, including Moscow region, Ural, Volga region, Caucasus, Siberia, Yarutiya, Magadan, Baltic countries, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Crimea, Poland and Greece. The expeditions teams included from 2 to 152 persons — both schoolchildren and professionals with the academic degrees. The expeditions purposes included complex search, astronomical observations, meteorites search, ufological observations and search, archeology, ethnography etc.
The group had organized and carried out the expedition to the Podkamennaya Tunguska region to the 1908 explosion place as well as the searches to the mysterious explosions places in the Volgograd region. Also six meteorite search parties were conducted in Kaluga, Ulyanovsk and Tver regions. The expeditions to Yaroslavl region and Uzbekistan are under preparation.
As an example of the field trips searches results, we provide a small part of the data collected from the locals during the meteorite search expedition in the Kaluga region.

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